2024 Competition
Submission Guidelines
Theme: Each story should be from the villain/monster/alien point-of-view.
- The contest is limited to amateur authors and illustrators only.
- Create your own comic book/graphic novel with a maximum length of 8 pages, including the cover page.
- Use letter-size paper (8.5×11) with black-and-white drawings.
- Computer-generated images are acceptable as long as they are your original work (no clip art).
- Each submission must be the creative and original work of the submitting author/illustrator. Any submissions with more than one author/illustrator will be considered a single entry judged under the age category of the oldest author/illustrator listed and will share any prizes possibly awarded.
- Consider submitting a photocopy or digital scan that accurately reflects your work. The Grundy Library cannot guarantee the return of paper submissions. The library staff is able to help participants scan their entries on our copier.
- Entries are encouraged to be submitted digitally through email at info@grundylibrary.org.
- Entries can also be submitted to the Grundy Library at 680 Radcliffe Street in Bristol, PA during our regular business hours.
- All entries must be submitted by 4 PM on Friday, August 23rd.
- Limit one entry per contestant.
- The Grundy Library reserves the right to reproduce your work. You can reuse all your work after the contest.
Community volunteers will help library staff judge the entries and award prizes for Children (gr. K-2), Children (gr. 3-6), Teens (gr. 7-9), Teens (gr. 10-12), and Adults (18+).
Judging Guidelines
You can view the rubric that the judges will use to decide the 1st place entries for each age group.