Study Rooms

Study Rooms

The Grundy Library offers Study Rooms with a maximum capacity of three (3) persons per room. Each room is equipped with a white board, power outlets, a table, and three (3) chairs.

Acceptable use of Study Rooms includes: working on homework assignments, study groups, interviews, mentoring and counseling. Please be aware that rooms are not soundproof and noise will carry.

In addition, non-profit groups, government entities, and local school officials may reserve the study rooms. All Foundation-sponsored programs/meetings take precedence in scheduling these rooms.

All users 13 years of age or younger must be under direct adult supervision at all times while using rooms.

Reserving a Study Room:

  • Study Rooms must be reserved with a library card at the Service Desk – either in person or by phone.
  • Any Library patron aged 14 and older with a Grundy or Bucks County Library card in good standing may reserve a Study Room. The cardholder must be part of the group using the room. Individuals that do not possess a library card are not permitted to reserve a Study Rooms unless the Library Director has explicitly made an exception.
  • Study Rooms may be reserved for a maximum of two (2) hours a day per library cardholder. Users are limited to one (1) reservation per day and no more than two (2) reservations per week.
  • Study Rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance. Same-day reservations and walk-ins are welcome, provided all other qualifications are met.
  • All use must be during the library’s hours of operation and end fifteen (15) minutes before the library closes.

For more information about reserving a study room, see the Library’s Study Room Policy.