Museum Passes
PLEASE READ: In order to pick up a pass, the cardholder whose library card account was used to reserve the pass must be present and must have the physical library card used to reserve the pass with them.
Reserve a museum pass from the Margaret R. Grundy Memorial Library
Click here to reserve a museum pass
(Note: Museum passes must be picked up and returned to the Grundy Library)
Holiday closings can affect museum pass pickup times. Please review the Grundy Library’s holiday closings when reserving passes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to view the Grundy Library Museum Pass Program FAQ
Share Your Story
Share your pictures on social media! Tag your post with #GrundyPasses to show us your adventures with the Grundy Library’s Museum Passes!
We would like to hear about your experience using the Museum Pass Program so we can share it with our Board of Trustees and with generous sponsors who make the program possible.
Tell us about your experience by submitting a testimonial via the Share Your Story form or emailing us at comments@grundylibrary.org.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Museum Pass Program? Find out about our CanDoMore Campaign or make a donation today.
Sponsors of the Museum Pass Program
The Grundy Library Museum Pass Program is made possible by our sponsors: