Virtual Grundy
The Grundy Library is Open 24/7 Online
Get Help
Submit a question via email
Submit a question via our webform. Please allow 24 hours for a response from a Grundy Librarian.
Chat with a librarian 24/7
Get assistance 24/7 via Chat with a Librarian service. Grundy Librarians are periodically available through this service.
However, if your local librarian is not available, you can still get assistance from other librarians in Pennsylvania and across the nation.
Schedule an appointment
Book-a-Librarian appointments are available for one-on-one help with a librarian. Our professional librarians are available to assist with your research and technology questions. Complete the Book-a-Librarian form to request an appointment.
Library Cards & Account
Did you know that you can manage your library account from home? With your library card number and individual PIN, you are able to reserve books, movies, video games, audio books, and more! Don’t recall your PIN? If you have an email address on file with the library, you can request your PIN. You can pay outstanding bills online too. Click on the “My Account” section of the library catalog to access these features.
Don’t have a Library Card? Find out your options for getting a library card, including our online library card application.
Library Materials
With your library card, you have 24/7 access to our extensive online collection of free eBooks, audiobooks, movies, learning resources, and more.
Learn Something New and Stay Connected
Virtual programming is here! Check out our Calendar of Events for upcoming library programs you can catch online.
Try something new by visiting our Virtual Activities anytime!
Stay connected to the Grundy Library and find out about our latest news and events via our social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Good Reads, YouTube channel – New book talks, story times, crafts, etc. posted weekly!
Learn something new, search your family history, use library’s online resources for help with homework and research assignments, and so much more.
Explore our online resources for all ages as well as those especially for children and teens.