PA Forward
The Grundy Library has reached Gold Star status in five literacies!
Launched in 2012, PA Forward is an initiative developed by the Pennsylvania Library Association as a means of unifying the voices of libraries across the Commonwealth. Known formally as PA Forward | Pennsylvania Libraries, the program gives voice to what the library community already knows: With support, libraries are ideally positioned to become the community centers of information, technology and learning that will fuel educational and economic opportunity for all our citizens. Moreover, PA Forward redefines a library’s role within the context of five essential literacies that Pennsylvanians must attain in order to succeed as citizens, parents, students, employers, employees, and consumers. The Grundy Library participates in this initiative by offering varied programs and services in strong support of those five literacies: Basic Literacy, Information Literacy, Civic and Social Literacy, Health Literacy, and Financial Literacy. The literacies framework is one by which all Pennsylvania libraries can develop strategic plans and goals to meet the needs, desires, and objectives within their respective communities; develop partnerships to further literacy opportunities; and share a unified voice across the Commonwealth in legislative budgeting considerations.
Look for the PA Forward and literacy logos on promotional literature for programs, workshops, and events presented by the Grundy Library.